Internet Computer C++ Bootcamp

Master the art of writing C++ smart contracts for the Internet Computer with icpp-pro in this comprehensive bootcamp.

The C++ Bootcamp is a sequence of videos. In this section you find all the commands demonstrated in the videos.


The Full Playlist

Day 1: icpp-pro Installation

1.0: TL;DR Installing icpp-pro (video)

Run-through of all the commands listed below.

1.1: Setting up Python Virtual Environment (video)

First do the following:

  • Download Miniconda from
  • Install Miniconda
  • Open Terminal

Then, run these commands:

conda create --name myenv python=3.11
conda activate myenv

1.2: icpp-pro Installation (video)

# Install icpp-pro into the conda environment
pip install icpp-pro

# verify it worked
icpp --version

1.3: Wasi-SDK Installation (video)

# Install wasi-sdk in ~/.icpp
icpp install-wasi-sdk

# Verify it worked
ls ~/.icpp/wasi-sdk/wasi-sdk-25.

1.4: dfx Installation (video)

# Install dfx
sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL"

# Update your terminal (can also restart your terminal)
source "$HOME/Library/Application Support/org.dfinity.dfx/env"

# Verify it worked
dfx --version

1.5: Clang Compiler Installation (video)

# Install the clang compiler on a Mac
xcode-select --install

1.6: Rust Compiler Installation (video)

# Install Rust and dependencies we use in ~/.icpp
icpp install-rust

# Verify it worked
ls ~/.icpp/rust

1.7: didc Installation (video)

# Install didc on a Mac
export VERSION_DIDC=`curl --silent "" | grep -e '"tag_name"' | cut -c 16-25`


sudo mv didc-macos /usr/local/bin/didc

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/didc

# Verify it worked
didc --version

# Test: encode something
didc encode '("hello C++")'

# Test: decode something
didc decode 4449444c0001710968656c6c6f20432b2b

1.8: VS Code Installation (video)

  • Download VS code from link:
  • Install VS code
  • Open VS Code
  • Install these Extensions
  • C/C++ by Microsoft
  • C/C++ Extension pack by Microsoft
  • CodeLLDB by Vadim Chugnov

ICPP Art NFT collection

You can support this project by purchasing an ICPP Art NFT at bioniq 🎨✨

We use the proceeds towards development of the C++ bootcamp. 🚀

Learn more about the art pieces at